Factor IXa Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) (ab204727) is based on the ability of FIXa to generate FXa.
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Purified protein, Plasma, Serum
Enzyme activity
Factor IX is a vitamin K-dependent plasma protein that participates in the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation by converting factor X to its active form in the presence of Ca(2+) ions, phospholipids, and factor VIIIa.
Coagulation factor IX, Christmas factor, Plasma thromboplastin component, PTC, F9
Factor IXa Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) (ab204727) is based on the ability of FIXa to generate FXa.
Is this your first time purchasing this product? Get 20% off one unit by entering code 20OFF-T5A8Q at checkout. T&C’s apply – click here. Offer only valid when purchasing directly from Abcam in Europe, North America, and Australia.
Purified protein, Plasma, Serum
Enzyme activity
Microplate reader
Blue Ice
Factor IXa Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) (ab204727) is based on the ability of FIXa to generate FXa. The generated FXa proteolytically cleaves a synthetic substrate and releases a fluorophore, AMC, which can be easily quantified by fluorescence microplate reader. The assay is simple, rapid and can detect activity as low as 10 pg of FIXa in a variety of samples.
This product is manufactured by BioVision, an Abcam company and was previously called K364 Factor IXa Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric). K364-100 is the same size as the 100 test size of ab204727.
The coagulation Factor IX (or Christmas factor, EC is a vitamin K-dependent serine protease. Factor IX is produced as an inactive precursor and is activated via cleavage by either factor XIa (contact pathway) or factor VIIa (tissue factor pathway). In the presence of calcium ions and negatively charged membrane phospholipids, activated factor IX (FIXa) then binds to the activated Factor VIII (FVIIIa) and proteolytically activates factor X (FX) to factor Xa (FXa).
This supplementary information is collated from multiple sources and compiled automatically.
Factor IX also known as Christmas factor or PTC is an important clotting protein in the coagulation cascade. It is a 415 amino acid protein with a mass of approximately 55 kDa. Factor IX is mainly expressed in the liver and then released into the bloodstream where it plays a significant role in blood clotting processes. The recombinant version of this protein referred to as factor IX recombinant is used therapeutically especially in patients who require coagulation support due to factor deficiencies.
The function of factor IX involves its role in the amplification phase of the coagulation cascade. It participates as part of the intrinsic tenase complex which forms on negatively charged phospholipids in the presence of calcium ions. This complex significantly enhances the conversion of factor X to its active form factor Xa an important step in the clotting process. The activity of factor IX can be assessed using assays such as the factor IX activity assay and ELISA allowing for precise measurement of its function and quantity.
Factor IX is integral within the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation. It interacts with proteins such as factor VIII and factor X. When activated factor IXa forms a complex with the cofactor factor VIIIa on membrane surfaces intensifying the transformation of factor X to factor Xa which then catalyzes the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. This series of reactions leads to fibrin formation important for stable clot production. Factor IXa also relates to the pathways influencing cellular signaling and hemostasis.
Factor IX deficiencies cause hemophilia B a genetic disorder that leads to improper blood clotting. This disorder is mainly characterized by spontaneous bleeding or severe bleeding after injury. Patients with hemophilia B usually have mutations in the factor IX gene on the X chromosome affecting the protein's function. Successful treatment often involves replacement therapy using factor IX concentrates or the recombinant form. The interaction with proteases such as factor VIIa highlights its importance in therapeutic strategies for bleeding disorders.
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Typical Factor IXa Standard Curve.
Factor IXa activity was measured in serum samples in the presence and absence of the master mix. S: Substrate
Typical Factor IXa Standard Curve.
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