The [IL]-x-C-x-x-[DE] motif is a proposed target motif for cysteine S-nitrosylation mediated by the iNOS-S100A8/A9 transnitrosylase complex.
A pair of annexin repeats may form one binding site for calcium and phospholipid.
This protein is an anticoagulant protein that acts as an indirect inhibitor of the thromboplastin-specific complex, which is involved in the blood coagulation cascade.
Pregnancy loss, recurrent, 3
A common complication of pregnancy, resulting in spontaneous abortion before the fetus has reached viability. The term includes all miscarriages from the time of conception until 24 weeks of gestation. Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as 3 or more consecutive spontaneous abortions.
Disease susceptibility is associated with variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
S-nitrosylation is induced by interferon-gamma and oxidatively-modified low-densitity lipoprotein (LDL(ox)) possibly implicating the iNOS-S100A8/9 transnitrosylase complex.
Belongs to the annexin family.
We found 12 products in 3 categories
Anti-Annexin V/ANXA5 antibody [EPR20167-52] - BSA and Azide free (Detector)