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Also known as writers and erasers, these enzyme families add or remove epigenetic marks on histones. Notable examples include the polycomb complexes PRC1 and PRC2, which silence genes by tri-methylating H3K27 and mono-ubiquitinating H2AK119. Our resources include ChIP grade antibodies for chromatin modifiers, and HDAC/SIRT inhibitors and activity kits.
Learn the basics of chromatin structure and function, and how to study chromatin using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP).
Our advanced guide to ChIP covers some of the most advanced ChIP-based techniques, including ChIP-loop, ChIA-PET, ChIP-exo and ChIP-BS-seq.
Discover our guide to chromosome conformation capture, summarizing current 3C methods and helping you to choose the best option for your lab.
Discover our range of antibodies validated for ChIP, ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq, as well as ChIP protocols to guide you through your experiment.